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Northshore Business Achiever Awards

MSA has received local Business recognition for the past two years for outstanding customer service. We have been finalist in the North Shore Times 2009 and 2010 Business Achiever Awards program. The Business Achiever Awards recognises excellence in small to medium business and is the most credible local business awards program in NSW. This achievement has been as a result our clients nominating and voting for MSA.


View Award 2009  |  View Award 2010

World Vision

MSA is also committed to World Vision. In 2008 we sponsored our first child in Kenya. It is very satisfying to see Felix (KEN-181458-0195) develop and prosper. Felix was born on the 21/01/2001, he has two brothers and lives with his parents. His favourite game is riding a bicycle while his best subject at school is Mathematics.

In 2009 we sponsored a child in Thailand. Suthagarn Suwanahawong (THA-179745-1959) was born on the 31/07/1997, she has one sister and lives with her grandmother. Her favourite game is swimming while her best subject at school is studying the National Language, Thai.

MSA’s aim is to support these two children until the they reach the age of 18 or become self reliant. It is also our intention to extend our ongoing sponsorship to other children in the coming years.